How to delegate effectively?
Imagine you are writing some cool application. You’re typing out commands, hitting keys as fast as you can, already excited for the result of your awesome code.
The time comes. You press “Run”.
Aaaaaand there’s an error.
Here’s the question:
Where do you look for the mistake - the code or the compiler?
This is an example I discussed with my colleague some time ago, when we’ve been talking about delegating tasks and managing expectations.
Typically, at work, we’d ask someone to do something for us on occasion - maybe because they’re better suited for the task, they should’ve got it in the first place, or for another reason.
But what to do when the results you get are subpar? And not just once, either?
Recently I wrote about how to work with a difficult client. Today, let’s talk about how not to be one.
Delegating is not ordering people around
It’s easy to confuse delegating work with just getting others to do your stuff for you.
Let’s make it clear: delegating is not about dumping your work on someone else.
That would constitute a zero-sum game (a term that has been following me around recently). Only one person wins in this scenario - you.
What we want though is a win-win scenario. Why? In the simplest terms, because in the long run, people won’t keep helping you if they never get anything in return.
So, how to make a win-win scenario happen?
See that both parties get something out of the agreement. It’s easier than it seems.
While you offload your task, the other person can use it to build their skillset, gain a favor from you for when they need help, get the opportunity to show off their mastery… you name it.
The important part is that it’s a give and take. Sometimes you’ll delegate some stuff to someone, other times they’ll delegate it to you.
It’s all about balance. If it’s always one-sided, it will fall apart sooner or later.
In short: don’t be a d*ck. Ask for help but help others too.
Delegating is a skill
We’ve all been there. You delegate some stuff and soon enough, you wish you hadn’t.
It’s so easy to say: “it will be faster if I just do it myself”. You’ll save time on explanations, feedback, corrections…
Sure. Been there too.
Until I’ve realized that this approach hurts everyone involved - me, the person I delegate stuff to, and others working with us.
Hoarding all the work to myself? Fast track to workaholism. Cue stress, sleep disturbance, health issues…
If you know what I’m talking about - this is your sign. LEARN TO DELEGATE.
It’s not just self-care, it’s also a sign of care for your colleagues. By having someone help you with your tasks, you help them learn and build their own competences.
A side note on competition
Apparently, some people like to compete in the workplace, as if successful life (however you define it) was a limited resource, somehow.
Of course, the company you work at may have a limited number of senior positions. But they’re not the only company out there.
If you grow your competences, it will be much easier to move on and develop your career elsewhere if you need to.
Teaching others is also a way to build your own competences. Effective knowledge sharing is a valuable skill.
And if you worry that the people you teach will become your competition, guess what - tearing others down won’t help you in the long run. While you do it, others will keep growing their own skills, leaving you behind soon enough.
Focus on building your own skills.
On teaching others
Sharing your knowledge is also beneficial to your colleagues and the company. Perhaps you’ve seen a case when someone would be off work for a long time (vacation, sick leave, whatever) and everything suddenly crumbles. Turns out they were the only person who knew about a certain set of procedures. If they’re not around - everything comes to standstill.
I assume that you’re reading this because you don’t particularly hate your job and would rather not see your workplace burn. Well, here’s a tip for not making that happen - start delegating stuff.
If more people know how to do the basics of your job, it won’t make you unnecessary - you’re still the expert, and they’re your understudies, in a way. And at least things won’t grind to a halt when you’re unavailable. Your coworkers won’t curse you out when you take a longer vacation.
Plus, teaching is also a great way to learn - you reinforce the skills you already have, and might pick up new ones in the process. As you explain things to new people, they will come up with questions you haven’t thought to ask before, giving you both a chance to pick up on something new. Another win-win situation.
And your leader will surely notice how well you’ve been doing helping others develop their skills. (If they don’t - perhaps it might be time to look for another leader.)
It’s all in the instructions
So, back to the whole point of this article. What happens when you delegate stuff and the results are not what you expected?
Think back to the coding example. Are you going to look for errors in code or the compiler first?
Of course, mistakes can happen on both sides. But when you work with people, there is one truth that is so easily forgotten: no one can read your mind.
Just because you think your instructions are super clear, it doesn’t mean they are for others. They may not have the experience you do to know the unspoken rules, or may not understand your mental shortcuts.
It’s a bit like following a recipe. You can give the same one to 10 different people and get 10 different results (if you’ve ever seen “Nailed it!” on Netflix, you’ll know what I mean. Also applies if you’ve ever cooked something inedible).
So, next time, before you tell off the poor intern for messing up, take another look at your instructions. Were they clear? Did you explain the process step by step? Did you specify the outcomes you expected?
If you give someone a task and expect them to “figure it out”, don’t be mad when they do it differently than you would. They figured it out in their own way.
Why be so particular if other people just “get it”?
I’ve seen this happen too. For some people you need to give detailed guidelines on how to accomplish the goal you have in mind. With others, you just give them the objective - and they work it out their own way, exceeding expectations and delivering more than you bargained for.
Why does it happen?
Well, if I knew that, I’d probably be the queen of the world by now!
Sure, some people are easier to work with than others, and it could be because your personalities are similar. You might see the world in a similar way, have a similar work ethic, or maybe you trained together, so you have a shared set of standards. That helps.
But that won’t be the case with everyone. Some people will see the world differently to you.
And another thing, so easily forgotten - unless you’re their boss, your tasks are probably not their priority. And even if you are, they’re probably somewhere in the top 10.
And it might not just be a matter of people’s to-do lists. Mental and emotional baggage can weigh people down too.
Of course, we all have our stuff. But that’s the thing - we all do. So don’t just dump your stuff (I mean tasks, not baggage - see a therapist for that) on others, tell them how to help you.
(Names are changed for anonymity, of course.)
I remember sitting at a meeting, the only person videoconferencing in (it was some time ago). As tends to be the case at meetings, I was multitasking - listening in on what’s been happening while doing something else.
Then my boss (at the time) called me out. “Natalia, why aren’t you with us at the meeting?”
“I am,” I said. “Sorry, I’m just busy.”
“Oh, you’re busy, are you?,” he asked mockingly, then turned to others in the meeting: “Janine, are you busy? Marge, how about you? Simon, you busy? Guess what Natalia, we’re all busy. But we’ve all agreed to be here, and we’re present, so please join us.”
Make it easy to help you
For me, it was an effective lesson, and one I carry with me to this day.
So, next time you ask someone for help, remember that you’re probably not at the top of their priority list.
Don’t complicate things. Be clear with your expectations. Give precise instructions. Keep it simple.
This is how I approach delegating tasks. It works for me, so hopefully you’ll find some of it useful too. And if you disagree or have additional tips - let me know.
I think my biggest lesson in delegating is that people usually don’t mess up on purpose. And, if they passed the same recruitment process you did, they have some degree of competence, so it’s probably not the case of everyone else being an idiot.
Don’t assume the worst of people. Check your expectations.
Debug the code.
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